Welcome to EMSS

Safety at workAre you complying with Health & Safety? Yes ? No ? Not Sure?

Let EMSS answer the question!

Use Health & Safety Legislation

To manage staff, contractors, and all workers associated with your business.
As a commercial tool in tendering for new business.

What’s this all mean?

Have EMSS answer these questions for you.

Accident Investigation

Invested  Blood Sweat and Tears?

Avoid and reduce costly incidents or accidents that can hit your profit line and effect the commercial health of  your business. The non obvious costs to an accident can be the most costly let EMSS help you reduce the risk by raising the awareness.

No accidents here! (honestly) ? Good practice or just good luck the clocks ticking.


Full time, Part time, Temps, Freelance, Contractor, Visitor and  Clients. It pays to reduce the risk to each and every one of them

Contact EMSS -    For an informal discussion